Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal Founder of Sound Energy Pain-Free Living Forever, has worked with clients in over 150 countries and have reported complete healing from Chronic pain, Chronic fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Binge eating, Burnout, Trauma and more, even when nothing else worked!
Discover a Leading cutting edge method, backed by Science, that gets 100 times the healing results than other methods including Acupuncture!

Experience Sound Energy Healing 
with Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal...today!
Get Results Fast!!!

In as little as "30 minutes" 
Get Rid of:
  • All Body Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Trauma
  • Teeth, Gum & Jaw pain
  • Rebalance your Whole Body
  • Restore Peace on all levels
  • Get rid of Negative Energy
  • Full Energy Clearing
  • Clear Past Lives 
  • Clear the Pain Body
  • Clear Emotional Pain
  • Feel a Complete Renewal
  • Get rid of Stress
  • Get rid of Energy Blocks
  • Get rid of Anxiety
  • Clear blockages to Perfect Weight.
  • Ground in your Life Force Energy for perfect Health.
  • Deep transformation activation's to get you aligned to your True Soul's Mission.
  • Spiritual Awakening & Increasing Vibration
And more Benefits!!!

This is an individual session.
$497 for (30 minute session)

(60) minute Life Changing Power Session:  Before$1,500 / Now $997
(Sessions are 60 minutes Each.)
$997 for (60 minute session)

By: Phone or Skype

Deep Dive Full Spectrum Bio-Energetic
( 3 hour) remote intensive healing session 

This is a deep intensive healing session to target specific areas in the body on any health concerns. Dawn will be working remotely (meaning no phone session). All Areas of your Physical & Energetic body will be cleared & rebalanced & healed. (You will receive a Intake form to complete before the session).

This session is meant for anyone who has the following:

  • Cancers (present & past)
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Traumas (Physical & mental)
  • Surgeries
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Heart issues
  • Behavioral issues
  • Rapid heal to any Part of the body, Organs, teeth, systems.
  • Any Long lasting negative Situation still showing up.
  • Preventative Measures to live a long healthy Life by a Full Body Tune-Up!!!
  • Heal any Pet health issues (pet birthdate is needed).

This session upgrades the full DNA and Chromosomes to Accelerate Rapid healing in the body, Mind & Spirit. This Brings you into perfect alignment on all levels of your being.

Regular Price $2,500

Now it's $997

What People Say:

Much appreciated. Definitely felt the work.

And thank Dawn SO much. I’m feeling more myself, positive and hopeful. My body feels lighter. I’m grateful for the work.
Many thanks and blessings✨
- Lila

Dawn, My deepest GRATITUDE for what I term "Going the Extra Mile" but in this case it was more like "Going an Extra 100 Miles" !!! Know you are Loved and Appreciated Beyond Measure.
Liz, you too are Loved and Appreciated as well! PLEASE keep me informed of any and all future specials.

Abundant Blessings of Health Youth & Beauty🌹
- Catherine 

Hi Liz,
Thank you!
I did feel the energy when Dawn was working, it was very strong, and I am very grateful!!
Although I did not expect some things that she worked on.....and that she had to work far more than 2 hours!

With Deep gratitude to Dawn 🙏

Blessings to all

I Feel …..less inflamed & l can breath easier for starters. I once again have hope.
Thank you!!
Love & Light,
- Jayne

Please thank Dawn for me. I am grateful. I clearly felt it and went into a deep sleep for part of it.

Hi Liz,
Thank you very much for the report! Please pass on my deepest thank you
also to Dawn. I am very grateful for this amazing session!
Kind regards,

 Thank you...
Please express to dawn my deepest Thanks.

Due to the high integrity of Dawn's work, No refunds or exchanges on all Mp3's, Programs & Sessions.

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.
WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OR TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options, SERVICE OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.